Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fasting lesson.

Today in Church I was asked to read and share my testimony about part of the lesson. The lesson is on Fasting, and the topic I am to talk about and share my feelings about it this paragraph: Fasting With A Purpose: Fasting can have many purposes. We can overcome weaknesses or problems by fasting and praying. Sometimes we may wish to fast and pray for help or guidance for others, such as a family member who is ill and needs a blessing (see Mosiah 27:22–23). Through fasting we can come to know the truth of things just as did the prophet Alma in the Book of Mormon. He said: “I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit” (Alma 5:46).

I was writing down my thoughts and thought that this belonged in our blog also. Here is my testimony on fasting with a purpose:

Fasting with a purpose allows me to put aside my carnal, physical needs and concentrate on more important matters. It is a way for me to show the Lord that I am putting all my physical needs on the "alter" and consecrating my heart to the Lord in all things, to do His will. When I have done this I have felt a peace and direction in my life that I can't find any other way.

I also have a testimony of the power of others fasting for you in your time of need. It is important that we allow others the opportunity be a window to our Heavenly Father's love and feel close to our Heavenly Father by allowing others to pray for you in your times of need. Two years ago this month I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I went through rigorous chemotherapy and radiation, surgeries and more doctors visits. It was a rough road but knowing that others were praying and fasting for me kept me going. The knowledge that others were giving up their food and water for me filled me with love and determination to keep going. There is a power in fasting and prayer and we can literally feel it as we have faith and act on this gospel principal and allow others to be apart of your lives good and the bad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your testimony! You are completely amazing and I'm thankful that you are my friend!
